Hello! I am the entity known as the VIRTUAL SHOPPER, formerly known as ROADMAN!! I am 1/2 of Mortem Fugit, and you may refer to me with (He/Him) Pronouns. Or do not refer to me at all. The choice is yours. I make vaporwave and ambient albums crafted to lure you into a state of utter bliss and relaxation. I am also the founder of the netlabel known as the fishbowl, and you can catch me dj on wrfl.fm every friday from 4-6pm est! Welcome to the digital dreamscape!

Virtual shopper shows off his video game side with this one! Hmmmmmmm.... video game...... Does this relate to anything.... probably not! Come get lost with VS in this new single!

Virtual shopper in an age of love shares with us a new composition with such passion it could a sprout a newly sprung rose! Come get lost with VS in his new single!

Oh i guess we saw sooner than later what virtual shopper was up to! A lovely new single! Congrats for him! come get lost in a trance with VS
Virtual shopper releases a new single!!!! Who knows what virtual shopper has planned next with this release. But what we do know is that this new single is most definitely Virtual shoppers best work! Virtual shopper is at ambience peak with this track. All these years, perfecting his style is finally paying off!!! can't wait to see what virtual shopper comes up with next