Smoke em' if you got em'
But also please take care of yourself when you smoke. I've linked some videos that might help if u get noided
Also please enjoy this nice and calming music to center yourself
Lastly I've linked some album recomendations to listen to while u are high but be advised only listen to them if you are expreneced to the substance cuz it is a trip... at least in my expirnece. But im a light weight so don't listen to me.
Also sorry my website broke. I have no idea how that happened. Sorry if the text is hard to read Imma try to fix that

"Watch if you're having a bad trip (help I'm tripping balls) [this may help]" by SuperDigitalDork on youtube

"watch while you're high" by Shroom Room on youtube

"WhEn YoU'rE HaViNg a bAd TRiP" by Radical Living on youtube
I know this video is really weird but one time I was having a really bad trip and then put this video on hoping it would help. I got weirded out the whole time but it distracted me from having a bad trip. by the end of the video I laughed about the fact that weed is weird and so are bad trips

"If you are having a panic attack right now, this video is just for you" By David Daish on youtube.
This guy is not nessassarly for if you are tripping but whenever i'm noided he is always able to calm me down"

"How To Know If Your Weed Is Good or Bad" by Drewlssharing on youtube"

this is going to be extremely important to have. Nowadays u dont know what the fuck is going to be inside ur weed. Thats why it is important to buy fentanyl test strips to make sure that ur weed is pure. I gave you guys the link with the most reviews and all of them seem positive but be beware that the science is not %100 there because of the legality of weed so use this with caution.

make sure to read this short article too as well as doing some more research on the topic. If you have any updates you would like for me to add to this site email me at Bodhivargo13@gmail.com and i'll be happy to add the latest reaserch to this topic.

I remeber one of the first times I got high my friend was showing me this video. I remeber laughing because how crazy accurate this is. But now my friend always refers to this when he tells me how high he is

Also do you guys remember this dude. He was big when I first started smoking but I kinda forgot about him lately. I hope there was no controvercies with him because he doesn't seem like a bad person at all. watch me revist him and crazy controvercies show up. Anyways yeah my friend told me about him when I was mid high and it blew my mind because he was like "yo Bodhi are you in yodie land yet?" and my mind exploded because yodie sounded like Bodhi and my high ass was like "did people base a weed trend off of me?" No idea as to why I would come to that conclusion but I was high af. Maybe I havent heard from him in a while because I rarely smoke. Im talking once every six months lololololol. Only because I don't know anyone who sells and have no place to smoke where I wont get caught so I just manly do it at parties. But ugh now I wanna get back into it because of recent life evens (3 crying emojis).
2/3/24 /// Okay okay I think it is now time I tell everyone my first experience with W E E D. It’s unfortunate that I don't remember that much but maybe more information will come out the more I write this. This all happened either late 2021 or early 2022. I was starting to invite my two best friends to my house more often, for now we will call them Zack and Cody. I've known Zack ever since kindergarten, basically grew up with him. And I knew Cody since middle school. These were my main two guys that I would always invite to everything. And by this time, we were all juniors in high school. Cody had been smoking ever since middle school and around this time in junior year, Zack started. I remember us both when we started high school agreeing that we would never smoke weed. I don't know what happened to change his mind but what changed my mind was unlearning the villainization of drugs and its users. At first this didn't make me interested in weed, but it stopped me from hating it. But since then, I cared less and less about not smoking because I don't view it as a big issue. So, one time as I invited Zack and Cody to my house (which I have been doing for the past couple of months) they introduce me to the idea of getting high. I'm like fuck it lets do it! So, we left my grandma's house to Zack’s house to get hit the pen. At this time Zack didn't own his own pen but his big brother did... let’s say his name is... Jack Daniel... He had multiple pens, rolling papers, flower, and bongs which obviously was hidden from the family. so we arrive at Zack’s house sometime in the evening and have to wait for jack Daniel to get off of work so we can hit his pen. Jack arrives sometime around 9pm or 10pm and my friends are the first to start hitting (cuz obviously I’m a little hesitant.) It comes around to me and motherfukers wanted me to hit a blinker right away, which I didn't know what it was ( Now as I look back was fucked up for someone's first time.) But I take as much as I can handle (which wasn't a lot) and it was scary because I didn’t even feel the smoke come out but truss that shit hit. As I'm waiting for it to come in its like I blinked my eyes once and all of a sudden, my whole mind was somewhere else. I was slowly freaking out inside because it felt like I was in a dream and always was in a dream. But as I was bugging tf out I also had to pay attention to my homies, so I had to put those thoughts on the sideline. Jack leaves to go with his friend and it’s just me, Zack, and Cody in Zack's room. I put some music on and its sepllling's mazy fly and that shit was a crazy soundtrack towards my high. Felt like I lived every ominous note. I'm also drawing at the same time to see if my style changes while high (spoilers it does not I've tried multiple times after this, and it just looks the same just with my squiggly lines.) My friends caught on of this and requested to draw them while I was high. But the thing was I was still tripping out because life felt like a dream so as I was drawing Cody I would space out and be somewhere completely different while he snaps me back to reality because I stopped drawing him. I think by the end I could only draw busts of both of them. Zack also had a vr set so we played that while we we're high and then watched some YouTube videos. Some of the videos I have linked here. We then got hungry and so we went to the kitchen to get food, but Zack only had food with meat in them I couldn't eat anything but fruit loops. Zack had those color changing led lights and the room was blue so when we came back, I was tripping out cuz my fruit loops look 8k. We also ate ice cream later and I might of went crazy on it since I was high. Zack's older brother Jack facetimed us during this and for some reason why they pointed the camera on us I just stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes back. Jack and his friend were like "oh yeah they're fucking high!" And then that made me realized that I was high and made me remember everything. Near the end of the night Jack and his friend come back to Zack's house and they come into his room to talk to us to see how I was doing for my first time. I told him I was kinda freaking out at times and he told me "oh yeah thats cuz I Gave you a mega hit." MOTHERFUKER WHAT????????? FOR MY FIRST TIME YOU GIVE ME A BIGGER HIT THAN NORMAL AND EXPECT ME TO BE OKAY?????? after that, Jack's friend then yelled at us to never get his little brother into weed. I knew him just lost contact earlier that year. I have no idea why... But he then threatened us to beat all of our assess if he ever started smoking weed in which I'm not the type to ever get someone into something unless they want to under their own will, but I was more worried about Zack and Cody getting him into it. But to my knowledge my ass or Zack and Cody’s ass has not been beaten so he must have not gotten into weed. But nothing too eventful happened that night just stayed inside and took it in unlike future experiences that I might talk about in the future. Or right after this. We'll see. But yeah, that was my first experience high I might of forgotten something crazy that happened but that it’s all I could remember.
3/3/24 12:19am /// Just got out of one of the most craziest and intense high's of my life. Not because of what we did while we were high but because of how strong it was. So besties arrive at my grandma's house because we'er doing a dual celebration for my brother's birthday and my friend's. Now usually we smoke at the functions and I get to about a fun level of high, and that was what I was planning on doing tonight. So we're passing around on grandma's back patio and by the end we get a little high but like just tipsy. That was the first mistake... Thinking tha, that shit wasn't hitting. Cuz then we get the genius idea to hotbox that bitch so we could get more out of it. So we'er hotboxing it and we'er getting a little more high until my vision fades out for one second and when it comes back in its like the intro to skyrim while my vision proceeds to also fisheye . I am legit heavenly fucked at this point. In the car i'm in the backseat on the right side with someone in the middle and left and I start to feel the whole weight of everyone push onto me I feel every single sweat drip on me I mold into the seat into the car and car door, I am one with the car. I feel my braces in my mouth which I have gotten used to at this point but now I feel them again at full blast. I feel them poking at the sides and lip of my mouth. At some points it scares me and I get overwhelmed but by the time I am experienced at this so I tell myself "it wont last forever", "i will return normal", and that "theres nothing to worry about and to just enjoy it." I dunno if that was because of the expirence or because of my medication but either way it is a positive that I didn't lose my mind and finally embraced not quite fully being in control. While we're in the car someone calls my brother who is eventually going to the party and asks what do we want from the store. And mind you we are all at like a 10 or an 11 so my brother was trying to do his best sober voice ever and mother was just sounding like spongebob. WHich i don't blame him. I could barely even say words. Then one of our friends who lives near pulls up and we're fucked so we're scared to talk to him but my brother talks to him and we all get out of the car to say hi (Which I was glad cuz I was legit baking int three different ways in there) and he gives us donuts whishes happy birthday's and apologies that he can't come to the party. Which was a sweet ass moment and I feel so bad for being so high around him so that I could properly talk to him and thank him. We all the head inside except for the friend that brought us donuts and just chiil out. This whole time I had been listining to a N.E.R.D playlist I made in my headphones so for this portion I was just vibing out to the music and whenever I went to the bathroom I would have a small musicial opera and then return to everyone. I hope I didn't sing any if that shit out loud because that would be hella embarrassing. Then the dude who bought snacks comes to the party and I'm still fucked as fuck so when he comes in I try not to notice him so I don't make things awkward by saying something stupid cuz I was high but in hindsight that was rude af (Crying face emoji, craying face emoji, crying face emoji). But legit the rest of the trip was just us playing mariokart and me vibing listining to music until that shit wore off in like an hour or hour 30 from when I puffed it. Even tho that shit was not long lasting it still teleported me to a different dimension in that small time frame. I love when im high the music i listen to in my headphones get slow af and I can understand what they're saying. Might make a song about it. But yeah I'm happy I didn't freak out like previous times and that I had more control over my emotions so that I could enjoy that shit and not be paranoid. Propbably don't wanna get that high again. Atleast not on accident. If I could prepare myself, then maybe.