• Good evening world!!! This is my blog!!! Started on 1/18/24!! come hear me talk about stuff


    4/19/24 12:20pm /// Told you! I got all soft toppings today because my braces were tightended. But its getting warmer outside and the sun is starting to melt my yogurt faster. This is why I like eating it in the winter. no one to melt my gurt.


    4/18/24 10:34pm /// After I get my braces tightened tomorrow, I am Getting Frozen Yogurt. NO ONE WILL STOP ME !


    4/16/24 1:09pm /// Post therapy lunch


    4/7/24 12:45pm/// FROZEN YOGURT SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad I can eat chocolate rocks again because my teeth have gotten used to my braces :3! Doesn't mean they wont break its just I can eat them without my teeh instantly hurting. But This was literally my breakfast and lunch! Like I woke at 11 and saw a sunny day and was like "this is my chance do it now!" I NEED ME YOGURT!!!!


    4/5/24 3:00pm /// what is she on????

    (This is my sister btw)


    4/5/24 2:01pm /// I'm finally alone on a frozen Yogurt friday in a while and it decides to be cold an rainy all day :_(


    4/1/24 11:17pm /// Oh my god so sorry for documenting this so late after it happened. As soon as I got home I just took a fat Nap and startied burning some more cds.But Wendy's has a new frosty and I went over to come eat it. This was bascically my dinner and all I can eat at wendy's for being vegetarian., Wish they had more vegetarin freindly items because I would love to eat there more often. Also I didn't order this many fries, the first person accidentally gave me a small fri instead of the large that I ordered and got to keep both. The new orange dreamcicle frosite is good and better than expected. I don't like the taste of orange so I got a small but this blew all expectations. Great dinner. And no I didn't dip my fries in the frosty who do you think I am?


    3/31/24 11:53pm /// It's official!!! I made the first ever Slermpy CD Today!!!!! Although I did get it stuck in the cdr burner the first time I put it in, It still works with no skips. As you can see in the backround are my plans for the layout, which I have already made (just need to print.) I got the 50 blank cds and a cdr burner in the mail today and i'm so excited!! I'M GOING TO BE PRINTING CDS!!!! (CDRS BUT WHATS THE DIFFERENCE) I'M still waitning for the 2o jewlcase from ebay. It's so funny cuz I ordered everythimg all from different places. Was cheaper that way. The 50 CDs from U-line, the burner from amazon (Which I do not like shopping from but I limit myself 1-3 pruchases a year from it) and the jewel cases from ebay.Then I'll be printing all the layouts at my colleg! A new era for Slermpy!!!!! Still love cassette tapes but they are harder to produce. This is not saying I won't make anymore tapes. It's just that I might take a break from them.


    3/29/24 7:48pm /// I made a Tumblr today. Why? Because I need somewhere to lay my frail, brittle, gay bones. Eventhough I'm supposed to be working on an assigment and studying for the midterm. Don't worry I won't abandon this blog. I don't even know if I'll last long on tumblr. It might just be another Amino. Oh god amino...... (Tumblr linked in image)


    3/29/24 2:32pm /// Spring cleaning (Don't look at my downloads)


    3/27/24 8:06am /// I'm in schoo!! I'm in fuknn schoo!! Sorry I haven't been posting as of late. Schoo has literally been draining me. Like the moment I get home I collapse. But I gotta finish the website by may 1st so.................


    3/17/24 7:49pm /// I dunno if its just me but planet coaster is fucking hard!!!! Like youtubers make that shit look easy, but I've had seven different parks and non of them have gotten out of the negatives!!!! Does anyone wanna help me. I just wanted to have a good time and live out a fantasy but its fucking hard for no reason.


    3/17/24 5:44pm /// this was my dinner... I don't remeber the frosties tasting this hollow. Like legit felt like I was eating chocolate air. This is what I get for substituting for frozen yogurt.


    3/17/24 10:38am /// Finished the third part of my record collecting series on youtube, here is the aftermath (Link is on the image for the playlist) Also I got charged for this website so that must mean that this is the second month anniversery for the website!! WOOOO


    3/11/24 9:26am /// i'm in schoo im in fucking schoo rn! I probably shouldn't be posting rn but i'm burnt out. this digital library is not giving me the sources i need and im so close to being finsihsed with this essay. fuck it i'll just work on it during break cuz im burnt out and frustrated. "But Slermpy you only did one page." MOTHERFUKER IM FRUSTRATED!!!! UGHHH LIBRARY WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


    3/7/24 10:36pm /// this is what i look like //////////////////////////////////////////

    3/7/24 10:31pm /// this is what i look like //////////////////////////////////////////

    3/7/24 10:17pm /// this is what i look like //////////////////////////////////////////

    3/7/24 10:11pm /// I'm so tired


    3/5/24 12:55pm /// Never eating ice cream sandwhiches again... It was so bad it got all over my braces it was like fighting world war three in my mouth just trying to brush it out of my teeth...................... This is why im devoted to frozen yogurt!


    3/5/24 12:45pm /// Craving frozen yogurt so bad... Imma eat this ice cream sandwhich in the freezer but it wont quench my thirst for long...


    3/4/24 11:22pm /// Boutta write in this shit like its a diary... I mean hasn't this always been my diary... Just a public one... I mean it is a blog, I think theres a difference... I dunno yall know me too much at this point to care. Truly I feel like life is getting better. Feel like im living that one N.E.R.D song. Yes i've been mentioning them bitches non stop im going thru a faze. But I dunno this semester of school has just been amazing. Being able to spark new friend ships and continue to hang out with established friendships is so amazing. I've always been alone in school so Hanging out with all my friends has been a positive change in my life. Like Im still staying in connecting with that one new friend I made first day of school. Last week I reconnected with a freind from... Elementary.... middle school. We have no idea where we met just know that we went to the same schools. But its so nice to hang out with her. She introduced me to french fries and bbq sauce. TBH SHE WAS COOOOOOKING!!!!! But it has come at a cost... Sometimes hanging out with new friends makes me miss the oppertunity to see bestie. And I feel so bad cuz I literally put bestie over literally anyone else and the fact that I've missed them a couple of times makes me feel horrible. But today was legit perfect I got to hang out with everyone while seeing bestie at every oppurtunity. And its not like bestie is forcing me to meet them, I DON'T want u to think that, they definitely understand. It's just the fact that I love being able to see bestie more times than I would usually see them. Anyways sorry I went on that whole tangent. To sum everything up, It seems that things are really getting better in my life, is it just today or things are really getting better we'll see tonight. Also I don't understand hidden meanings in songs and I know N.E.R.D loves to pull that so I hope they don't mean anything else but having a good day. Cuz I thought them girls really just needed to use the restroom.


    3/1/24 6:01pm /// U know what it is, frozen yogurt friday and you know I like to put fucking everything in it. And I shouldn't have to say this but there are some perverted ass motehrfukers online, that is marshmello sauce, not what you think it is, go get a job u chornically online perverted freak... Actually don't... Matter a fact stay away from everyone.


    2/27/24 11:17pm /// Well I scarpped the whole album just because of one, song 2 days before the release. Yes I should of just replaced the song and then released the updated album but with my new production style it just wouldn't fit. I mean I made all those songs 2 years ago... Wasn't saying it this whole time but I kinda wasn't happy a little bit releasing old material that I couldn't have fun with anymore. Just know I started re working the album today and I'm starting to have a more fun time with it. So when it comes out just know I'll be happy with it this time... Until this turns 2 years old and I hate it... Just like all my albums... But that's progress right?


    2/22/24 3:31pm /// Oh fuck its messy again.. Don't judge me!! I've been working on this album and need a lot of audio files on my desktop.... I mean what? who said that!?


    2/19/24 11:50am /// OH ME GOI!!!! I totally forgot to post on the 1 month anniversary of the blog!!!! i swear i had plans to!! i've just been sick guys im so sorry!!! But happy one month 2 tha blog and website!!! I've already posted so much I wonder how much more i'll post. Will you guys read all of my blogs for little ole me :3


    2/17/24 9:15pm /// STarting to work on the pilot for the comic... Hoepfully I'll finish it. I am hella sick rn so I could only draw one full page front to back. But that'll probably be my regular pace cuz it took me 55 minuets for the first page.


    2/16/24 11:46pm /// This Markiplier playlist has been making me happy as of late. I'm on the first video of the crooked man series. This playlist is also the reason as to why I haven't been blogging like usual. This and school.... And maybe this album that im working on. WHO SAID THAT!!???!!!!111!!!??!!


    2/13/24 1:26pm /// WOW I JUST REALIZED HOW LONG ITS BEEN SINCE I'VE CHATTED IN HERE! JUST GET READY TO READ A NOVEL!!! Y'ALL DO NOT KNOW HOW CRAZY MY DAY WAS YESTERDAY!!!!! GET READY CUZ ITS A LONG STORY..... I THINK..... So it all started the night of the 11th, I was up till 1:00am watching markiplier when I thought that this was a nicd time to go to bed for the first day of school tommorrow. So I set an alarm for 7:30am because my class was at 8:00am and I rhought I was all set! Well I sat in that bed for 5 hours and nothing happend. Like I didn't get an ounce for a milisecond of sleep. So I got my sleep deprived ass up at 6:00am and thought that the only thing that can save me rn is a monster energy drink. I live right next to Walmart so I get dressed and walked my ass over there. The items I got made me look crazy af because I got a Monster, appel sauce, (cuz of my braces) a box of just platic spoons, and masks. I walk back drinking my. monster and I start to feel more awake. finished getting ready and then I headed to school and went off. Went gayly into my first class powered off that one drink and two appel sauces and I saw a couple familiar faces from last semester and I met a new friend. But mostly I was waiting for my bestie to finally come on campus. I had been waiting so long so that I can see them again constantly at school. It was an amazing reuining and out of nowhere a bunch of other people I knew came. It was like a homie reiunion. I got to talk to my bestie for a little bit before they had class and loved every second of the conversation. But then it went depression mode because then all my friends had to go back to their classes and I still had an hour to myself. So I went to the eating room (forgot the name) and ordered some fries (because I think they're soft enough to eat with braces I dunno I've literally only been eating liquids this whole time) and watched markiplier by myself until it was time to go to my next class. Next class was cool it was in an auditorium which was my first time being in one. There was two people who I knew from the last semester in the class and I caught up with one of them at the end. But what was funny was thst my snd his next class was right next door but we had like 30 minuets to wait so my sleep deprived ass talked about the menaing of the universe until bestie called and asked if I was free. We only got to talk for like 10 minutes but its better than no minutes. Then had that class and MORE PEOPLE I KNEW from the last semester was there and got to reconnect with one of them at the end. I dunno how I feel about my third teacher shes bordering on the strict rule teacher, old drool type teacher. But we'll see what happens. But me and the person I reconnected with talked for a good bit but then he went home so I waited for another hour cuz me and bestie were sposed to meet at 6:00pm. Yes I was there all day. Yes I was there all day powered on nothing but a monster, 2 apple sauces and some french fries. While waiting I met with another homie from last semester. Sat with him, he was talking about wanted to be a rapper. I asked him what beats? and he said like old 90's rap. I said bet and I was making hime a beat there but he had to go to class. So I was sitting there alone trying to make this beat for him and this one person walks up and sits next to me because they recognize me because I was in there class but I was consfused because I haven't seen them... But I was alone so lolololololol obviously. But like we chatted for a good and long time and really built a great connection. probably one of the best conversations I've ever had, no joke. But she had to go in at 6:00pm into her class so we walked there and bestie comes running down the hall cuz they have the same class. We have a 5 second convo and they dissappeard (not in a bad way like they we're just going to class.) But I say goodbye to the new friend I've made and looked stupid because I told my mom to pick me up at 7:00pm because I thought I was going to talk to my bestie but I got the time wrong. So I was just there alone again for an hour. But I would like to say that I give that day a 10/10 even with all the bullshit, and I have a feeling that this semester will be my best school semester ever....................................................... But who knows lololololo bullshit is always around the corner.


    2/6/24 9:19pm /// yeah all of the cds are good. The only problem is the kool keith has 1 skip but just for 3 or 5 seconds so, epic win!!!


    2/6/24 6:09pm /// Today in a nutshell... First off, I got my braces today. ITS SO HARD TO EAT OMFGGGGG!!!!! UGH HOW DO YOU GET USED TO THESE THINGS!!!!! Only on my top teeth for now, they gotta get straiten out and my widom teeth out before my bottom. They weren't hurting earlier but now im starting to feel it. I don't want to eat anything ever again.

    Second off, I got the cds in the mail. I've already played the N*E*R*D and it was perfect! Currently halfway thru the q-tip. I've taken a look at the cds themselves and the only one im worried about is the kool keith cuz there is 1 visible scrath. Lets hope it doesn't affect the play. will update!!!!

    Third off, I released my first non music related youtube video. Its part 1 of my record collection. Hoepfully I can ake a part two cuz editing part 1 literally took me all day T_T!!! Click the image to watch it!


    2/3/24 11:27am /// Just expirneced one of the most embarssing days of my life. So I gave an online speech for public speaking today and had to do two redos (which isn't out of the ordinary for me.) But I forgot to edit out the 2nd take of the video version I turn in ,and at the end of it I got frustarted I forgot a word and cussed a little. I am so glad that someone caught it as soon as I uploaded it and told me in the nicest way possible cuz OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! IF MY TEACHER SAW I WOULD LITERALLY KILL MYSELF, IT WOULD BE THE END FOR ME, I CANT TAKE THAT SHIT!!!!! Combined with all the stress this speech has given me It just makes me want to cry forever


    2/2/24 1:02am /// I love that I can just sit on my man's butt and he could give less of a fuck about it


    1/31/24 6:37pm /// Okay so yesterday during the middle of the night, I dunno if it was the sleep depreivation or I was still feeling the effects from the monster but In reignited my interest in making comics And its quite embarrising on how it happened. I was watching rebel taxi's youtube video on hazbin hotel and I have this horrible condition to where I'm like "I can do better than that." So it got me thinking about this idea that I've had for almost 5 years in the back of my head So all day I've been thinking about how the story is going to be and making charicters. I would hope for it to be an animated series but lets see how this goes (If I even start it).


    1/30/24 5:55pm /// So I drank a monster today (which im not supposed to do with how it ruined me in 2022 but since im getting braces soon I might as well eat and drink shit that I can't with braces) and im a light weight just fyi so while I was feeling that shit it was whispering me to buy cds online and I listened willingly. But now i'm like 10 dollars in debt. UGHHHHH I really got to stop spending. But I found this cool webstore on discogs that sells dope ass hip hop cds online for short so I bought like 4. Hoping they are not scratched. I will literally kill myself if they are. I hope I'm Not jinxing myself :::::((((. Will update.


    1/29/24 8:22pm /// Okay I finally got a grade for it!!! I got a 44.5/50 and im going crazy cuz i went from a 96% to 94% AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO I LITERALLY CAN'T GO DOWN ANY FURTHER. This might drive me more to suicide than him not grading it.


    1/28/24 5:54pm /// Every day my teacher doesn't grade my speech I come closer to suicide


    1/26/24 11:18pm /// Ugh Im getting braces soon so they put some rubber bands in between some of my teeth and my head fucking hurts but I gotta record a music video tommorrow. Wish me luck :(.


    1/25/24 7:17pm /// 1st week anniversy of the website video (click image)


    1/24/24 11:00pm /// I just remebered I still have PTSD from when I was on a date with this one guy who had literally a dollar and a couple of cents in his bank account go into dollar tree and spend his last remaining dollar on a drink he didn't likr. Scarred me 4 life. Speaking of men, I miss men. Ugh I wanna go on a date with one again. It's just so hard finding one that is also not icky.


    1/24/24 5:18pm /// it was 61 degress out yesterday so guess what I did. Sorry I didn't document it day of I think I was busy...? I love getting the chocolate rocks because it quences my thrist of eating real rocks. I might break my teeth but it'll be worth it! Also I went to walmart and they had some crazy DVDs. I see this most definity be the next thing I collect.


    1/22/24 10:00pm /// I wish humans could loaf. I tried loafing with my cats a few minuets ago to see if I could blend in but my neck started hurting.


    1/22/24 9:07pm /// I literally woke up and said im only going to lsietn to cassettes all day today. heres everything I listened to (also it rained again today (mega vibes))


    1/21/24 9:47am /// LMAOOOOOOOOO I have been coding this website nonstop that I ahd a fucking night terror last night where I tried to code my bedroom but I accidentally put the wrong input in and because of that got jumpscared. I dunno maybe its the universe telling me to take a break. I mean at this point I can take a day or two break nothing else to add until I talk to virtual shopper on what else to add to the website. I do also have ideas but imma put them in later I think this coding thing is draning me.


    1/20/24 6:06pm /// tbh the colder weather makes me crave frozen yougurt even more than warm weather. Or not... I dunno I love frozen yogurt so im craving it all the time no matter the season. Who wants to get frozen yogurt with me?


    1/20/24 1:47pm /// wow look how much cleaner my desktop is now. Make sure 2 take care of ur space ladies and enbies


    1/20/24 1:16pm /// listening to my system CD rn and its raining


    1/19/24 9:38pm /// Love those damn Belchers


    1/19/24 9:15pm It's so crazy how my cat will just come into my room say nothing and just cuddle with me. Tell me 1 person you know who does that 2 u


    1/19/24 2:53pm Hello everyone!!!! Just finished my speech and was nervious af. I did have to redo it once but other than that it was okaaay... I mean ugh I panicked because the meeting didn't start smoothly with people entering and I guess communications were rough or not enough because someone was in their car on the way to get their dog to the vet and I felt so bad like I had to rush and I probably forgot my lines and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I did so good on my first speech even when I did the same thing. I didn't rehearse it until the night before. Probably because this was more reaserch and I had to cite my sources and give accurate information in the speech were as the other one was all made up so its easier to remeber. I dunno I feel so bad about it. I'll update with my grade. But for now im eating lunch that mom made. Love u Mom <3


    1/19/24 9:23am LOLOLOLOL this is what my desktop looks like all the time. I try to clean it but then I have to work on a project and have to the use a billion images LOLOLOLOL poor dektop




    1/18/24 8:41pm /// UGHHHHH OKAY IM GETTING OFF FR THIS TIME!!!!>:(!!!


    1/18/24 8:37pm /// wow look at Little Big Planet 2's pre alpha!!! its so weird. Its like looking into an alternate universe. They made da vinci so skinny lolololo. click the image to see the video!!!!


    1/18/24 8:27pm /// okay okay im actually going to get off now and prcatice for the speech thats worth 50 points :/


    1/18/24 7:50pm /// ugh I have to present tomorrow for my public speaking class and I spent all day today making this website instead of practicing. Wish me luck!! Will update with my grade


    1/18/24 7:45pm /// He's so mad that he woke up! What a creature